Robin Lee Morgan

Robin Lee Morgan

Oh hello you....I'm Robin and I'm here to help you finally get your life coaching biz to match your own signature spark! Whether you're just starting out or looking to revamp your existing brand, I want you to have a business that you're obsessed with and that attracts your dream clients. Think less "corporate" and more "you do you." Let's create a brand that's unapologetically you and brings in the clients you love to work with.Are you ready to flaunt Your "One-of-a-Kindness"?

It all starts with a survey...

The Archetype Survey is the starting point for everything we do. Not only will it help you identify your brand personality and give you a roadmap for marketing success, but it'll also show you how your archetypes impact every aspect of your life. It's like having the cheat sheet to unlock the full potential of your personality and strengths. And that's not all! By knowing your archetypes, you can communicate your brand story in a way that connects with your dream clients on a deeper level - making you more relatable, unforgettable, and effective.

Business & Brand Coaching

Are you ready for a business that feels like a breeze? One that fits you like your favorite pair of jeans? With my business coaching, we're going to tap into your authentic strengths and create a business that's simple, easy, and just plain delightful to run.No more overthinking or feeling overwhelmed. Just a clear plan and my support to help you turn your mission into reality in a way that feels effortless and enjoyable. Let's make your business feel like magic - you in?

Let's Get Visual

Bring your messages to life, grab your audience's attention, and make your brand unforgettable with one-of-a kind images made just for you.Using the same images as everyone else on social media is like wearing the same outfit as everyone else at a party – it doesn't make you stand out. But with custom images inspired by your archetype & brand personality, you'll have a visual representation that's as unique and captivating as you are.

Web & Tech

Are you thinking it's time to add some spice & excitement to your online presence? Let's create a site that's anything but boring, that showcases your unique archetype and magnetizes your dream clients right into your online world.And no more feeling overwhelmed by techy stuff. I handle all of that for you, so you can focus on doing what you do best: serving your clients and making a difference in the world. How would it feel to finally have a website that sizzles with personality and purpose?

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